Sunday, April 11, 2010

- The Relationship Between Mesothelioma, Asbestos and Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma is a very rare form of malignancy that occurs because of being exposed to asbestos particles. Hazardous asbestos is found in many items used for constructing homes, buildings, and schools. If you are intending to remodel your residence or plan on working with ceiling tiles, floor tiles, acoustic or decorative walls or ceilings, or other possible items that contain asbestos it is important to know about asbestos and lung cancer previous to beginning the removal work.

For greater than one hundred years asbestos and lung cancer have been dangerous partners. Most individuals who've contracted mesothelioma have had jobs where they have been exposed to and breathed asbestos dust. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which might be either benign or malignant. It's found in the mesothelial tissue which is a thin protective tissue covering most inner organs of the body. The one recognized reason behind malignant mesothelioma is a result of exposure to and inhalation of asbestos particles floating in the air.

Mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis, a chronic non-cancerous progressive lung disease, may result from the inhalation of asbestos fibers or dust over the long term. Despite the fact that asbestos and lung cancer have had a clear association for many years, fresh cases of asbestos-caused cancer continue to be diagnosed each and every year.

Asbestos is mostly present in the manufacturing, mining, milling, application, or removal of asbestos materials. Despite the fact that asbestos was banned years ago it still appears in products that had been manufactured before the ban was passed. The chance of developing a progressive lung disease, lung cancer, or malignant mesothelioma is associated with the total lifetime exposure to asbestos dust.

Asbestos is a bunch of naturally occurring minerals that are resistant to fire and chemical substances. They are fibrous mineral forms of impure magnesium silicate and located in fire-proofing materials, electrical insulation, cement, shingles, acoustic and decorative ceiling plaster, and additional construction materials. When repairing, removing, or disturbing asbestos-containing supplies, tiny asbestos dust will be dispersed into the open air. As soon as they become airborne they can be inhaled into the lung tissue, leading to mesothelioma, lung cancer, and progressive lung diseases.

Asbestos seems to promote the production of lung cancer, but is not the actual cause. Once asbestos fibers are breathed into the lung tissue the body's immune system cells attempt to eradicate them from the body. Unfortunately, the immune cells die which trigger the body to develop scar tissue surrounding the lifeless cells. The scar tissue continues to increase until there is an adequate quantity to cause the lungs to cease working. The chance of being diagnosed with lung cancer is elevated in people who smoke with asbestosis. The chance of being diagnosed with lung cancer is greatly elevated in individuals who are both heavy smokers and exposed to hazardous asbestos.

Cancer in the mesothelial tissue is a result of irregular tissue cells dividing out of control. Cancer cells can metastasize, which means they will invade tissues that are close to the area of cancer, and spread by way of the lymphatic system and bloodstream to different regions of the body. Mesothelial tumors normally grow in the mesothelial tissue of the pleura or peritoneum. Pleura is the skinny membrane covering each lung and folding back to create a chest cavity lining. The peritoneum is tissue lining the walls of the belly cavity which enclose the soft inner organs. Primary mesothelial cancerous tumors of the tissue around the heart are rare.

Mesotheliomas associated with asbestos exposure are nearly always fatal within 2 to 4 years from the time it's diagnosed. The National Cancer Institute sponsors medical trials, hoping that they'll someday lead to a cure or at the least new and better therapy.

It is necessary to take out or seal any asbestos-containing products that you may become exposed to. The asbestos removal cost is definitely worth the peace of mind you'll receive realizing you are not breathing this hazardous mineral.

If you have been diagnosed with asbestos cancer, also referred to as mesothelioma, you may go to and receive a complimentary package that contains details about specific therapies geared to your specific diagnosis. The packet also includes well-known mesothelioma medical doctors and cancer facilities across the country, along with several choices for financial assistance that may perhaps help cover therapeutic costs.
The Relationship Between Mesothelioma, Asbestos and Lung Cancer
If asbestos products are in your home you should have them completely removed or encapsulated at once. Find out what a typical asbestos removal cost will be as well as other important asbestos and lung cancer information.

By Joshua Harding

- Determine if Your Exposure to Asbestos Entitles You to Legal Compensation

Lung cancer and asbestosis can be caused by breathing asbestos dust. Once it has been sucked into the lungs it might take as long as 20 to 60 years or more to show symptoms of a disease. This extensive latency phase often makes it tricky to identify what caused it.

The main risk factor for developing mesothelial cancerous tumors is being exposed to asbestos fibers at the workplace. About three quarters of all mesothelioma sufferers were exposed to asbestos fibers on the job. The exposure has invariably happened decades previous and may have been for a relatively brief but heavy time.

During the 20th century asbestos was used commercially in thousands of products. Untold millions were exposed to this possibly life-threatening material totally unaware. Products containing asbestos weren't at first believed to be hazardous, but in time many people hired by asbestos producers began getting cancer of the lungs. People laboring in asbestos mines, heating industries, insulation factories, and assorted other occupations involving asbestos have shown a considerable increase in the prevalence of the cancerous diseases.

As a consequence of the recognized risk from inhaling asbestos fibers there are now restrictions for the acceptable amount of asbestos exposure for people working near asbestos. Personnel exposed to asbestos fibers are now required to wear protective attire that lowers their amount of exposure. Things such as a person's individual immune system strength may play a key part in if a worker develops an asbestos-associated illness. If you were diagnosed with asbestosis or another asbestos-associated illness you might want to find asbestos law firms that specialize in personal injury cases. Additionally, if you have been exposed to asbestos fibers and have not yet developed cancer, you might still be entitled to compensation in a class action court case.

For those who want to hire the finest asbestos law firms it will involve some groundwork. A few questions that you should get answers to are how long they have been in business, the number of asbestos lawsuits they have managed, the number of malignant mesothelioma lawsuits they have managed, how many of their claims were profitably settled, the number of clients that had to go to trial, whether or not there is a statute of limitations in your state for asbestos-associated claims, and what type of documentation the attorney will need from you to begin a lawsuit.

Find out from the attorneys what a typical settlement might be for a case comparable to yours. It is also important to be aware of the amount the attorney will charge to take your case. The bulk of lawyers will handle lawsuits like this by being paid a percent of the financial settlement and won't even take the case if they think they won't be able to get a respectable settlement for you.

After you have looked at a few asbestos law firms and picked one to hire your next task is to pull together information and documents for the proceedings. Gathering as much information as you can provides you the best possibility for a victorious outcome. First and foremost you will need medical evidence that you have cancer. You will need to know when, where, and how long you were exposed to asbestos-containing products, the name of the person you worked for, and if there are other co-workers that are suffering with a similar disorder. Additional employees or witnesses can often help in confirming the location and time you were subjected to exposure.

The only established cause of malignant mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers, so your claim might be less difficult to demonstrate than you believed. If you have a weak case your attorney will ordinarily not take it and the bulk of solid cases will usually be settled out of court. A qualified attorney will be able to advise you regarding whether you should settle out of court or if you should go to trial. Once the attorney provides you with their opinion the final decision of settling out of court or going to trial is up to you.

Prior to making a final decision you must take some things into consideration. It might take two years and perhaps longer if you plan to go to trial. Can you deal with a year or two of tension without any guarantee that you will end up with a dime? There are several questions that must be considered before coming up with a judgment that is capable of affecting your whole future.
Determine if Your Exposure to Asbestos Entitles You to Legal Compensation
Many people may be unaware they have hazardous asbestos in their home. Locate essential information about asbestos removal companies and other important information.

By Joshua Harding

- Natural Herbal Remedies and Vital Information for Cancer Victims

During anti cancer treatment (Conventional cancer treatment), it is difficult to protect the healthy cells of side effects caused by the drugs administered. Although the effects of treatment vary according to each patient and the medications used, all cancer patients suffer adverse effects of treatment that affect their skin, look and internal organs. An important part of the work of clinicians and patients is to precisely manage those potential side effects. The role of this article is to summarize the main side effects caused by different types of conventional cancer treatments and potential natural treatment (including nutrition, remedies and immunotherapy). Let’s start with the conventional methods.

There are four (4) types of anti cancer treatment:

Surgery – Surgery, the oldest form of cancer treatment, is used in cancer treatment either to remove only the tumor, or the entire organ. Cancer surgery offers the greatest chance for cure of cancers that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, no matter how successful a surgery can be, it provokes one or all the following side effects:
- Risk of wound infection
- Damage to internal organs and blood vessels during surgery
- Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs after surgery, especially if a person remains in bed for a long time
- Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Although rare, these can be serious because they can cause dangerously low blood pressures.
- Problems with other organs, such as the lungs, heart, or kidneys. These are very rare but can happen and can be life-threatening.

Radiotherapy - Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered externally (external beam radiotherapy) or internally (brachytherapy). Unfortunately, radiation can cause severe blood changes including drop in production of new blood cells, nausea, anemia and vomiting. Other short/long-term side effects of radiotherapy may include:
- Irritation and burning of the skin
- Infertility - radiation to the testicles can cause permanent loss of sperm production
- Fatigue is a common effect of radiation. It may be linked to anemia or weakened immune system
- Brain disorder - radiation therapy to the brain can cause changes in brain function that can lead to memory loss, lower sexual desire, etc.
- Skin disorder - radiation therapy can make your skin become tender or sensitive. The skin may also become dry and itchy. Peeling of the skin may occur.
- Second cancers – the radiation itself can cause Second cancers (metastases)
- Erectile dysfunction - radiation therapy to the pelvis can damage the arteries and nerves that supply the penis and cause problems with erections

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, its effects affect both healthy cells as cancer cells. Generally, these effects depend to a large proportion of drugs prescribed and their dosage. The anti-cancer drugs quickly affect cell division. This means that the white blood cells, which fight against infection, are also affected.
This combination of factors explains why patients are more prone to infections and fatigue or even anemia during cancer treatment. Similarly, this change of cell division causes hair loss or alopecia. Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and finally lesions in the mouth (mucositis) can be observed.

Hormonotherapy - Side effects caused by hormonotherapy depend largely on the type of treatment used and prescribed medicines.
One of the drugs in hormonotherapy is called Tamoxifen: it has the effect of depriving cancer cells of estrogen. The Tamoxifen can cause hot flashes, irritation or vaginal discharge, nausea and irregular menstruation.

During and after cancer treatment (conventional treatment)
Here are some advices that can help: Keep your diet low in saturated fats. Use mostly unsaturated fats such as fish oil and flax seed oil which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eat fruits and raw vegetables abundantly; fruits and cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of all types of cancers and their reoccurrences. Increase your intake of calcium; High intake of calcium reduces the risk of certain type of cancers. Maintain a normal weight; too much body fat is associated with a great number of diseases. Eat foods rich in antioxidant nutrients. Do not smoke! Cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, is the number one cause of lung cancer. Exercise regularly and keep your body hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids daily; Silver water is necessary. Increase your fiber consumption; It is proven in several researches high fiber lower the chances of having colorectal cancers. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression by laughing, praying and singing; prayer is key to opening the door of impossibility.

Herbal Cancer remedies

Alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbal remedies to address the causes of the cancer (not just the symptoms) and boost the immune system to fight against pathogens and help the body heal itself. Taken regularly, certain natural herbal remedies may help to maintain the healthy functioning of every cell in your body and strengthen the immune system to ensure continued health and vitality. As we all know, a healthy strong immune system is a key element in protecting the body against infection or diseases like cancer, as well as in the promotion of recovery after illness and during cancer treatment.

Our natural cancer remedies do that and more. As such the strong tonic effect of the ingredients in our natural cancer remedies, they are of great benefit in maintaining systemic as well as cellular health. To learn more on how to fight cancer naturally, visit our natural cancer remedies website.

By Remy Vixamar

- Mesothelioma - The most dangerous cancer

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that can attack some parts in the body and causing malignant tumors in those parts, the parts that can develop mesothelioma cancer can be divided to three parts, the first and the most common part is the Pleura or the outer membrane of lungs.

This membrane has some protective functions and it is the reason of the presence pf pleural fluids that help the lungs to move during the breathing process. When mesothelioma cancer develops in the pleura, symptoms like fluid effusion and shortness of breathing will appear.

The second part is the peritoneum or the outer membrane of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, we can call this cancer "the peritoneal mesothelimoa". It is less common than the cancer in the pleura but it is considered to be more dangerous.

The third type is the pericardial mesothelioma when the cancer develops on the pericardium or the sac of the heart and its arteries; it is the least common type but can be also very dangerous type. The treatment options can be on of three ways, the surgery way which the treatment will be more effective, the chemotherapy way and the radiation therapy way.

Doctors can make a combination between the all three treatment ways to make a powerful treatment strategy and to get rid of all malignant tumors from the pleura, pericardium or peritoneum. If you suffer from this disease, you should start your treatment plan today and we strongly recommend you to consult your doctor to choose the best treatment plan.

To learn much more about the different types of Mesothelioma Disease, visit where you find this and much more, including mesothelioma treatment options.

By Shane Shahin